End Human Rights Imperialism Now

Groups such as Human Rights Watch have lost their way by imposing western, ‘universal’ standards on developing countries.
The Guardian– December 31, 2010

New iPad app Based on “All the Shah’s Men”

A group of cutting-edge designers and video artists has produced a highly innovative, interactive app called “Operation Ajax” about the 1953 coup in Iran. Here are announcements from the trade press:
“Operation Ajax” by Cognito Comics Available Now in the Apple iTunes Store
Cognito Comics launches its first graphic novel for the iPad

British Edition of “Reset: Iran, Turkey and America’s Future”
Is Pubished as “Reset Middle East: Old Frieds and New Alliances:
Saudi Arabia, Israel, Turkey, Iran.”

Kinzer to Promote New Book In London: for details click here.

Richard Holbrooke: A Consummate Insider Who Left Us Wanting More

Huffington Post – Decemeber 14, 2010

New Speaking Event

Monday, Jan. 24, 7 PM
Wheaton College, Wheaton, Il.
Facing Disaster In the Middle East: Do We Have Only Bad Options?

WikiLeaks Cables: Reading Between the Lines

One message, often buried, comes out loud and clear from the embassy cables: the US should choose its allies more carefully.
The Guardian – December 1, 2010

Un-“threat”-ing Iran:

Truthout.org · 2008
An Interview With Stephen Kinzer

Transcribed interview on Iran

Interview with Counterpunch, April 2008
“The way to make Iran calm down and feel like it doesn’t need to pursue policies that are highly destabilizing in the Middle East is to make Iran feel safe.”

Interview about Iran

Interview with NiemanWatchdog, February 2008
“If the U.S. and Iran sit down for serious and broad-ranging talks, they may find that not only do their interests not make them logical enemies, but that they have many strategic goals in common.”

Interview with Amy Goodman about Iran

Democracy Now, March 2008
In a reality-based, fact-based policy environment in Washington, you’d think that the idea of attacking Iran would be off the agenda now.”
audio/video/transcribed · alternative link

Interview about Iran

The Agonist · 2008
One thing we’re trying to do on this tour is to reach beyond people who are political activists.

Interview about Iran with Fariba Amini

Iranian.com · 2006
The US tragically misjudged nationalist leaders in other countries.

Interview about Iran with “The Takeaway” on NPR (audio)
India’s sound advice on Iran

Boston Globe – November 13, 2010

Speech to International Peace Institute

Sept. 29, 2010

Discussing “The Desert of Forbidden Art” at Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival

Television Interview from Plum TV, Martha’s Vineyard, Sept. 26, 2010

My Dinner With Ahmadinejad

Daily Beast – Sept. 23, 2010

New Turkey

Huffington Post – Sept. 18, 2010

Afghanistan War: The Strange Vietnam Parallel

Daily Beast, Sept. 17, 2010

Breaking the Grip of Turkey’s Military

A victory in this weekend’s referendum on constitutional reform would be a giant step in Turkey’s transition to full democracy.
The Guardian – September 7, 2010

It Is Nonsense To Say Turkey Has Become an Enemy of the US

TurkishNY.com – August 18, 2010

US, Israel and Turkey: The New Paradigm That Has Long Been Needed

Zaman (Istanbul) – September 15, 2010

An Unlikely Trio: Can Iran, Turkey, and the United States Become Allies?

Foreign Affairs – September 2010

Right Here, Right Now with Mara Dolan

Vimeo.com – August 12, 2010

Stephen Kinzer Fala Das Antigas Relações Entre Irã e EUA

Globo Television News (Brazil) – August 31, 2010

Honorary doctorate from University of Scranton

Sands of Time – WOMR (Provincetown, Mass.) – August 20, 2010 (link)

BP in the Gulf – The Persian Gulf

How an Oil Company Helped Destroy Democracy in Iran
TomsDispatch – June 29, 2010

“Kinzer is a masterful storyteller. His cast of characters leaps off the page.”

Review of “Reset” from NPR.org – June 27, 2010

Iran’s Poetry of Motion

What an ancient Persian martial art form tells us about Iran.
Global Post – June 18, 2010

Kinzer Heralds the Rise of the Middle Powers

Truthout – June 16, 2010

Report on speech at Baruch College, New York City

“The US needs to reset its own foreign policy.”
June 10, 2010

Speech to SETA Foundation, Washington, DC

June 11, 2010 (video)

Speech to the World Affairs Council of Northern California

June 18, 2010 (audio)

Interview with “The Young Turks”

June 22, 2010 (video)

The Week In Green

Interview With Hamid Dabashi – June 30, 2010 (video)

Interview on PBS News Hour

June 17, 2010

Guardian Column 6-15-2010

Turkey and America Should Kiss and Make Up
The Guardian, June 15, 2010
The US and Turkey have many goals in common – and recent spats ought not to obscure that fact.

Stephen Kinzer is a journalist of a certain cheeky fearlessnes and exquisite timing. In his new book he’s ahead of the game again. (link)

Open Source with Christopher Lydon (audio) — June 11, 2010

Reimagining Life, War in Middle East

By Julia Keller, Chicago Tribune — June 13, 2010

Reset: Stephen Kinzer’s Vision of a New US Relationship With Turkey and Iran

By Robert Naiman, Huffington Post/Truthout — June 11, 2010

Turkey’s Moves, U.S.-Israel Impact

Interview with Tom Ashbrook on NPR’s “On Point” (audio) — June 9, 2010

Interview with Amy Goodman on “Democracy Now” (video)

June 14, 2010

Holiday In the “Axis of Evil”

A postcard from Iran, one of the world’s great travel destinations, that only a few determined Americans get to see.
Global Post, May 25, 2010

In Turkey, Rage at Israeli Raid Puts an Ally to the Test

Boston Globe, June 2, 2010Heritage Reclaimed
After years of conflict, Turkey’s tradition-rich Kurdish minority is experiencing a joyous cultural reawakening.
Smithsonian Magazine – June 2010

Analysis: “It’s Over” in Iran

A year after the street protests that shook Iran, residents whisper that the regime has won.
Global Post, May 17, 2010

Iran’s Nuclear Deal

The Guardian, May 17, 2010
Brazil and Turkey have brokered a deal with Iran over its nuclear programme that shows the two countries are a new global force.

Obama’s Deadbeat Diplomacy

The Daily Beast
, May 8 2010 (link)
When Obama appointed George Mitchell as Mideast Special Envoy, observers hoped he would be the game-changer in the Middle East. But as Stephen Kinzer reports, Mitchell’s mission has thus far been a big failure.

Off Base

Boston Globe, April 14, 2010
The US use of Kyrgyzstan as a military staging ground has caused it to turn a blind eye to conflict.

No Apology? Mitt Romney is Wrong

The Guardian, March 18, 2010
Mitt Romney’s new book title suggests the US owes ‘No Apology’, but every nation, like every human being, has sinned.

Two Guardian Columns on Turkey-Armenia

Genocide Vote Harms US-Turkey Ties
The Guardian, March 5, 2010
Was the 1915 killing of Armenians genocide? The question is debatable, but it’s not for the US Congress to decide.
Turkey Should Pause Before a Mirror
The Guardian, March 5, 2010
Amid the finger-pointing, let’s recall how Turkey helped push the US Congress committee toward its vote on Armenian genocide.

The Limits of Free Speech in Rwanda

The Guardian, March 2, 2010
The country’s president claims that laws against disseminating ‘genocide ideology’ are necessary to stop a return to violence.

Worldfocus Radio: Rwanda as a Regional Power

Martin Savidge hosts journalist and author Stephen Kinzer and human rights activist
Noel Twagiramungu (audio link)

PRI’s “The World” – How We Got Here

February 26, 2010
The World’s Marco Werman interviews Stephen Kinzer about his forthcoming book “Reset: Iran, Turkey, and America’s Future”Clinton Clings to Bush Ideals on Iran
The Guardian, February 16, 2010
The US policy of engagement with Iran never got off the ground – and now Hillary Clinton has resorted to Bush-era sabre-rattling

Iran, Turkey and the U.S.: Power Triangle of the 21st Century

Chicago Amplified – WBEZ Chicago (audio link)
Prolific author, former New York Times bureau chief and correspondent and Northwestern University lecturer Stephen Kinzer speaks on “Iran Turkey and the U.S.: Power Triangle of the 21st Century.” He discusses this new “power triangle” and explains how it could help calm crises from Palestine to Iraq to Afghanistan–if only the US would break out of what he calls “the prison of old policies, assumptions and alliances.”
Recorded Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at Film Row Cinema, Chicago

Protests In Iran Mark 31 Years Since Revolution

The Takeaway – February 11, 2010 (audio link)

After 25 Years, a Visit to a Different Cuba

Boston Globe, February 16, 2010
Visiting any country after an absence of 25 years naturally offers a host of then-and-now contrasts.

Caribbean Communism v. Capitalism

The Guardian, January 22, 2010
With a social safety net but fewer freedoms, is life better in Cuba than in its capitalist Caribbean basin neighbors?

Kinzer Featured in New Documentary

An evocative new film, The Desert of Forbidden Art, about a treasure trove of art gathered at a
museum in the Central Asian steppe, features commentary by Stephen Kinzer.

Writer Calls Iran Our Best Hope For an Ally

Stephen Kinzer argues that it shares strategic and democratic interests with the U.S.
Philadelphia Inquirer, Jan. 21, 2010

Let’s think clearly about what really is good for us over the long run

Interview with examiner.com · Jan. 22, 2010

Forgotten Cuba

The Guardian, January 7, 2010
Cuba’s revolution once inspired the world, but political stagnation has left it a poor, hungry backwater.

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