My Obituary for Iran Ex-Pesident Bani-Sadr
He tried to resist the currents of Islamic radicalism, but was forced out of office when he lost the support of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.
The brief life and tragic end of the United States of Central America
Two centuries ago, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica formed a national federation. That country’s breakup is a warning for divided societies today.
Ortega in His Labyrinth
Nicaragua’s president has created an insular dynastic tyranny that eerily resembles the one against which he fought decades ago.
The limits of Biden’s foreign-policy conversion
The president did the right thing in Afghanistan, but that doesn’t mean he’ll abandon his long-standing support for American interventionism.
Diplomacy is the only way forward in Afghanistan now
The Taliban aren’t likely to be America’s friends. But they don’t have to be our enemy either.