Limit US armed forces to support, defense, and disaster relief
OVER THE past half-century, American leaders have sent soldiers to fight a series of faraway wars. The balance is grim. We lost all three of the supposedly vital wars we fought — in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Our only clear victory was over the Caribbean islet of Grenada. The world is changing in ways that make […]
Boston Globe: ‘Let go of grudges against Cuba, Iran’
IT IS a truism that nations should not have permanent enemies, but the United States seems to have two: Cuba and Iran. We have been in a state of controlled rage against both of them for as long as most Americans can remember. These dysfunctional relationships have much in common. Both have persisted far longer […]
Boston Globe: ‘The truth behind the tinted World War II memories’
Many of America’s other attempts to remake the world have ended badly THIS MONTH marks the 75th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II. Over the next few years that means we will be seeing and reading a great deal about various battles and campaigns. Most of us probably won’t notice because World War […]
Al Jazeera America: ‘US coalition against ISIL shows half-hearted fight’
If we were serious about winning, we would partner with Iran How seriously the United States and its putative friends should take the threat from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is debatable. So is the question of how we should respond to that threat. One thing, however, is eminently clear: The […]
Boston Globe: ‘Obama’s calm approach on ISIS will keep America safer’
A new crisis in the Middle East has forced President Obama into a delicate balancing act. His speech on Wednesday was an effort to reassure Americans that he will do everything possible to crush the Islamic State terrorist group — while at the same time keep the country out of war. Much criticism of Obama’s supposed foreign […]