Time to Talk in Syria

Time to Talk in Syria

AS THE HORRIFIC carnage in Syria continues, a depressingly familiar chorus is rising from Washington. The new consensus is the same as it was in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan: Bombing isn’t working, so let’s bomb more. A familiar coalition — generals, defense contractors, and politicians, along with think tanks and much of the press — is […]

Is NATO necessary?

Is NATO necessary?

BRITAIN’S VOTE to quit the European Union was a rude jolt to the encrusted world order. Now that the EU has been shocked into reality, NATO should be next. When NATO leaders convene for a summit in Warsaw on Friday, they will insist that their alliance is still vital because Russian aggression threatens Europe. The opposite […]

Brexit — a stern rebuke to arrogant elites

Brexit — a stern rebuke to arrogant elites

Astonishment, jubilation, and awe seized the hearts of European leaders after they took decisive steps toward uniting their continent in December 1991. By agreeing to accelerate Europe’s progress toward “ever closer union,” they produced far more than simply another treaty. The accord they signed in the Dutch town of Maastricht committed their countries to the […]

Don’t mythologize Ali’s rage

Don’t mythologize Ali’s rage

Reaction to the death of Muhammad Ali last weekend was reverential, and why not? As obituaries explained at great length, Ali was more than just a great boxer. He was a “civil rights activist,” a “champion of free speech,” a “humanitarian,” a “tireless human rights ambassador and philanthropist” known for “gentle generosity.” Reading this, one […]

Revitalizing our vital interests

Revitalizing our vital interests

On my last trip to Latin America I had dinner with a United States ambassador.  I admired the simplicity with which this career diplomat defined the role of ambassador: “My job is not to make this country a better place.  My job is to advance the interests of the United States.” Every country has interests. […]