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You are browsing the site archives for September 2017.

America’s slow-motion military coup

In a democracy, no one should be comforted to hear that generals have imposed discipline on an elected head of state. That was never supposed to happen in the United States. Now it has. Among the most enduring political images of the 20th century was the military junta. It was a group of grim-faced officers […]

An Interview With Stephen Kinzer

The award-winning foreign correspondent and author of The True Flag speaks on the 120-year history of American intervention in the world. By Patrick Lawrence When I started reading The True Flag, Stephen Kinzer’s latest book, I got only a few pages in before thinking, “I’ve read him for years. Why not try to meet?” The result was an interview, the […]

Sacred places for tumultuous times

In our modern age, it is hard to have a purely spiritual experience. The real world of things and events crashes in. Like many travelers, I have found a handful of places that gave me a sense of transcendence. When I need to feel calming energy, I recall the timeless feelings that crept over me […]