Following Advice for the Syrian Conflict
Should President Obama and Hillary Clinton follow Donald Trump’s advice when it comes to ending the armed conflict in Syria? Guest Stephen Kinzer of the Boston Globe and senior fellow at Brown University talks about his thoughts.

The media is misleading the public on Syria
COVERAGE OF the Syrian war will be remembered as one of the most shameful episodes in the history of the American press. Reporting about carnage in the ancient city of Aleppo is the latest reason why. For three years, violent militants have run Aleppo. Their rule began with a wave of repression. They posted notices warning […]

The great dumbing-down of US foreign policy
American presidential campaigns no longer offer voters reasoned debate about world affairs or foreign policy. Candidates compete with each other to promise that they will keep America safest, build the strongest military, and kill the most enemies. At town-hall meetings and other events during the current campaign, voters have rarely asked foreign policy questions. When […]

On Syria: Thank you, Russia!
Once again, Moscow has shown itself better able to make strategic choices than we are. Russia is not an ideal partner for the United States, but sometimes its interests align with ours. In those cases, we should drop our Cold War hostility and work with Russia. The best place to start is Syria. American policy […]

Why Saudi Arabia is behaving like a cornered boxer
Too much happened in the Middle East during 2015. What was the most important and far-reaching event? At year’s end, there seemed to be several possible answers: the rise of the Islamic State group, the nuclear deal with Iran, or Russia’s entry in the Syrian civil war. Just a few weeks into 2016, all those […]