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The royal family of Hawaii.

Hawaii’s quest for a new type of independence

AT A COOL new bookstore in Honolulu called Da Shop, I met the foreign minister of the Kingdom of the Hawaiian Islands, Leon Kaulahao Siu. He spends much of his time lobbying at the United Nations and at international missions in Europe. His biggest challenge is persuading diplomats that the Kingdom of Hawaii exists. When […]

Nicaragua on the brink of calamity

Nicaragua on the brink of calamity

As a mass of unarmed protesters filed past Dennis Martínez Stadium in Managua, Nicaragua, on May 30, snipers inside the stadium began firing at them. That day’s casualties joined a list of about 100 dead and 1,000 wounded and missing in the last two months. Among those outraged was the person for whom the stadium […]

Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo, Key Figure in Nicaraguan Turmoil, Dies at 92

Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo, Key Figure in Nicaraguan Turmoil, Dies at 92

Cardinal Miguel Obando y Bravo, who was caught up in the turbulent politics that consumed Nicaragua for much of his adult life, at one time opposing Sandinista leaders and later defending them, died on Sunday at his home in Managua, the country’s capital. He was 92. The cause was a heart attack, a spokesman for […]

Conditioned into servility, Europe meekly retreats

Conditioned into servility, Europe meekly retreats

EUROPE IS THE NEW 98-pound weakling on the world’s geopolitical beach. Its craven failure to resist American withdrawal from the nuclear deal with Iran is vivid evidence of its strategic paralysis. For 70 years Europe lived under a security umbrella provided by the United States. In exchange for this subsidy, Europeans allowed Americans to set […]

The deal that Puerto Rico didn’t ask for and didn’t want

The deal that Puerto Rico didn’t ask for and didn’t want

PAINFUL TRUTHS SOMETIMES become so obvious that they must be faced. Let’s finally be honest. Even though I forced you to marry me, I never loved you — not even on our wedding day. I didn’t know a thing about you, so how could I? You always seemed strange, with your own language and habits. […]