Al Jazeera America: ‘US coalition against ISIL shows half-hearted fight’

If we were serious about winning, we would partner with Iran How seriously the United States and its putative friends should take the threat from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) is debatable. So is the question of how we should respond to that threat. One thing, however, is eminently clear: The […]

Boston Globe: 'Obama’s calm approach on ISIS will keep America safer'

Boston Globe: ‘Obama’s calm approach on ISIS will keep America safer’

A new crisis in the Middle East has forced President Obama into a delicate balancing act. His speech on Wednesday was an effort to reassure Americans that he will do everything possible to crush the Islamic State terrorist group — while at the same time keep the country out of war. Much criticism of Obama’s supposed foreign […]

Boston Globe: 'America’s next security threat: resource wars'

Boston Globe: ‘America’s next security threat: resource wars’

WITH SO much scary upheaval shaking the world, it’s hard to say where Americans should focus our attention. Just a few months ago, the worst things we had to worry about were a heavy-handed Russia, a recalcitrant Iran, and an ambitious China. Today we face a fanatic mini-state in Mesopotamia, a collapsing Libya, devastation in […]

Al Jazeera America: ‘James Foley did not die in vain’

Paying off terrorists makes everyone less safe Almost as outrageous as the savage murder of American journalist James Foley on Wednesday was the sight of a bubble-headed announcer on CNN nattering about what could be done to assure that all other Americans in foreign captivity “come home safely.” I have news for her and others […]

Al Jazeera America: ‘Obama’s canny anti-interventionism’

The president’s cautious foreign policy may end up being his greatest legacy Those of us who wish the United States would intervene less in the world are fated to be forever unsatisfied. Americans are activists by nature; we like to believe we can make the world a better place, even if that takes military force. […]